The Big Move: March 21, 2014

In my last week, everything was still feeling very surreal. It was like my body was in such a rush mode to try to get everything done, I didn’t have time to stop and think that I would be leaving the country for the rest of the year by the end of the week!!

Soon, Friday was here before I knew it! I ended up taking 2 large suitcases and my carry on travel backpack. You can believe I filled those up to the maximum weight! I organized and cleaned my room for my leave and had written all the thank you cards I wanted. But was I really ready? 

That evening, my mom, two brothers and best friend accompanied me to the airport. Even getting dressed  and getting into the car, i felt like my mind was just on auto-pilot. When arriving at the airport, the boys got my things for me and helped me find the check in counter. We all hung around there for a little while, prolonging what was to come. I knew they were hungry and I had to leave eventually so I slowly said my “see you laters.” I didn’t cry nearly as much but there were tears that were shed. To each of my family members and best friend, I couldn’t go on the adventures that I do without the support from you all so I thank you so much for being there. I love you all!!

It was really cute walking through security, since the whole section had a glass wall around it, every time I turned around I would see my family and best friend jumping around waving to me smiling. It was really pleasant to see that they waited till the very end. You guys are wonderful <3.

After I couldn’t see them anymore, my mind switched to adventure mode, and I was ready for the challenges. First challenge, carrying this heavy pack on my back! I felt like my shoulders were going to pop off! And strutting around the airport was easy on my legs either. Starting to think I should of built up some muscles before this! 

My first flight was to LA. So I grabbed a tuna wrap and some chips and found a place to sit. Texts and comments from friends wishing me safe travels and good luck were very comforting and make me happy to read (thanks yall!). Also my sister Catherine gave me a call of excitement which helped ease me into a better mind set as well. My other sister Christina is in Florence at the moment but even then, she managed to send her love with texts, an email and Instagram post. My sisters are the best!

My flight to LA was nothing crazy. Being that it was a domestic flight, it felt very normal and familiar. Getting to LA and finding the correct international terminal was another trip. Luckily I had about three hours till my flight to Shanghai so I didn’t have to rush so much. When I got into the international terminal, I then started to feel more foreign. I was surrounded my foreigners and had to remind myself I was still in the States. 

After having a little more of my tuna wrap and chips, I had a comforting chat with the best friend over the phone, right before I would be leaving the States for the rest of the year. 

It’s boarding time!

This was written from the chair of my airplane seat. Luckily, I had chosen an aisle seat in the middle section of the plan. Even better was that the seat in between me and the gentleman over is empty! Ah the space on a long international flight is priceless! So far I’ve been on the plane for about seven hours and have had one meal of chicken and noodles with a salad (I’m actually starving now lol), had slept for at least four hours, and have now been writing for about an hour and a half. So far so good my friends! Next stop will be Shanghai and then OSAKA!!!


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