Placement: Tawaramoto in Nara Prefecture

Around late February, I got a placement offer. It was in a town called Tawaramoto in Nara Prefecture. I was excited to get a placement but didn’t know anything about it! After researching a bit, I couldn’t find much was honestly was a little bummed that the town I might be living in for a year could be a total bust! But after talking to good friends about it, they reminded me that everything is what you make it. I could make this the best experience of my life or I could make it the most miserable year...and they were right. So with that mentality I started to look on the brighter side and the side of endless possibilities, so I accepted. With more research, I realized that Tawaramoto is less than 40 miles from Osaka, the third largest city in Japan. So if I missed the city life, I could easily hope on a train and be a totally different environment in a little over an hour. Also when talking to friends who have travelled to Japan before, they mentioned Nara Prefecture is quite nice with many peaceful, nature spots. Also they mentioned there would be wild deer in this prefecture. Now if they were going to be friendly I had no idea!

So with my new home stirring in my mind, my excitement only grew as a departure date would soon be decided. 


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