Cabin Camping.

January 24, 2014

This past weekend I had a new adventure with a bunch of new friends! While in Texas for winter holiday, an Osaka friend of mine messaged me and asked me if I wanted to go camping in late January in Yoshino (which is located in Nara). At first I was a bit hesitant because when I think of camping I think of tent camping and also it's cold! But, going with my "always say yes" rule for Japan, I agreed and noted it in my planner. This camping weekend finally came up and after asking Rika a few questions and seeing a picture of an actual cabin in the group chat, I came to the realization that we wouldn't be camping in tents, it would be a cabin set up. Great! I'm not really an outdoorsy type person nor do I have any camping gear, but cabin camping I can do.

Out of the whole group of ten, I only knew two people, Rika and Andy. I was excited to meet new people but also nervous at the same time. What if they didn't like me? What if I didn't like them!! With all worries aside, the weekend turned out to be a success. Rika was kind enough to pick me up at a station near my place as well as provide transportation back. Everyone I met was so kind and fun. There were seven girls, all of them Japanese except for me and three guys who weren't. Again, it amazes me that even with a language barrier, conversations can still be had and drinking games can still be played. The whole Saturday night (and early morning) was spent eating and drinking. The cabin they rented was also really spacious! With the whole upstairs for sleeping and downstairs for lounging, we had plenty of space and then some we didn't even use! The weather was also really great and beautiful. It was really nice to wake up and be surrounded my mountains and fresh air.

So huge thanks to all my new friends! It was a nice weekend away from the usual and surrounded by friendly vibes! Hopefully we can all get together again for a summer camp!!!



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