Sayonara Osaka

March 23, 2017

So today is officially my first day of vacation. Yesterday I finished my last day of work and now starts my new life!

For the ones that are a little behind, I decided not to continue in my work as a teacher in Japan and decided to take some time off to travel and follow my boyfriend to Sendai as he finished off his tour in Japan with Totem. What will I do after? I actually decided to move back to Texas. This may be a shock to some, sad news to a few, but also some very exciting news to a bunch too. Honestly when I thought I would move from Osaka I would be so sad, but my last trip back home in December made me feel more excited to come back home.

Up to this point, it's been three years since I decided to move and call Japan home. THREE YEARS! It sounds short but it's amazing what I have been able to do, the people I've been able to meet, and the experiences I've been able to have in the past three years. Not to mention how much I have changed, learned, and grew up. Deciding to leave was not easy and yes, I would fall back into "maybe I should stay" many times in my head. But with this three year mark I think it's time to embark on something new.

But why aren't you staying? Don't you like Japan? Don't you like living there? To answer those questions that I've gotten a lot, yes of course I LOVE Japan, I've loved living here the past three years and getting such a unique experience to add to my life but it's time to do something different. I feel like I hit a sort of peak with Japan. Each year I've been here, I've tried to do something hugely different in each year. The first year was my first, challenge enough, the second year I moved from Nara to the city of Osaka, and third I started a new job with many new challenges. I basically didn't want to live year four in Japan as the year I just finished. I want new challenges in my life, new adventures and new, different memories.

With this year also comes my 29th birthday. It's crazy to think I will be 29. Heck I don't even feel 28 now! But with things I want in my future and with getting older, I think it would be best to push myself in other directions outside of what Japan can offer me.

Another massive reason I decided to leave and go back to Texas and not travel to another city to pursue a new life, is my family. Many who know me, know I talk about my family ALOT. They are a huge part of my being and being away for three years has been tough. Thankfully the internet, cell phones and Facetime makes things way easier but still it's not like being in the same place as them. I've missed family get togethers, holidays, and just evenings out to a simple dinner. These are the things I'm coming back for. I can't tell you how excited I am to be in the same city as the people I love the most. It's going to be awesome!

Yes many may think, "oh you'll get bored and you'll want to get out again" and yes that thought may be true but I want to find that out for myself. I know I have itchy feet and I always want to move around but I'm hoping that I'm in a place in my life now that I'll be able to stay still in one place, committed to one thing better than my younger self.

So in a few days I'll be traveling to Korea for a small holiday and then to Sendai to stay with Caoliang till the end of May. But before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to write this blog post for a few special people I hold close who make up Kansai for me...

(in no particular order)

Second Family: Kiyoko and Mayumi

Thank you so much for being like my second family here in Kansai. Originally I met these two amazing women during a day at work. At the time I was working for Interac so was still working in Tawaramoto, Japan. I was assigned to be at a kindergarten that day and Kiyoko and Mayumi were too. I remember I only got to chat to the both of them for a little bit of time before Kiyoko had to leave and it was only Mayumi who would help me class. Both of these women are older than me but their energy will surprise you! I still remembered how cute Mayumi was in a class full of 5-year-olds.

Since then, the three of us have developed a very unique friendship I will cherish forever. Since that first day meeting, we have managed to get together at least once a month. Yes sometimes we all get too busy but most the time we have been able to keep this promise to each other. They have taken me to different festivals, temples, and have educated me in Japanese history, culture, and people as well as been so supportive for me in my life and hardships in Japan.

On March 18th, they were kind enough to throw me a "Farewell Cooking" party. Once we had a cooking party at Kiyoko's house and I really loved that idea so when they asked me what I wanted to eat last with them, I suggested why not have a cooking party at their house! So Mayumi kindly agreed to host it at her house. I was really excited because I love hanging out with them as well as go to their houses. It's a rare thing to get to go to an actual Japanese house, not apartment, so I was really looking forward to it.

That day we cooked many okonomiyakis, had delicious coffee and home made cake, and exchanged gifts, stories, hugs and tears. Kiyoko and Mayumi, along with the fabulous party, also bought me a tiger eye stone necklace. I never received anything like it before! It was really beautiful and thoughtful. They both really enjoyed my gifts and cards too. I know it wasn't much for all they had done for me but I was moved at how much they enjoyed the gifts and card.

I will definitely miss these two special ladies and our monthly get-togethers but I look forward to the day we get to reunite and pass the time over lunch as we used to.

The Girlfriends: Rika, Yucco, Mariko,  Michie, Norie

All girls need their squad of girlfriends right? Well I have been lucky enough to of met some pretty rad girls since I've been here. Above are just a few that I've listed that I still keep in contact with but through the years I am thankful for the ones who have come and gone as well.

In my last week in Kansai, Rika, Yucco and Mariko took the time out to join me for drinks and dinner in our favorite area of Osaka, Namba. I've had so many late nights with these girls, especially Rika. Along with the partying till morning, Rika has also been so generous as to welcome me into her group of friends and invite me to such things like bbqs, campings, day trips to the lake, and picnics. Rika, I will never forget your kindness, your jokes, and your open arms for me. Thank you so much.

Along with Rika I also want to give a huge thanks for fellow friends Yucco and Mariko, thank you for the time and memories and open invitation to stay over next time in Osaka. I will surely take you up on that offer Mariko!!

As I mentioned above, Michie has also been a friend I am lucky to of met. I originally met her through mutual friends but instantly got along well. Thank you for the chats over coffee, company on empty afternoons, and also for helping me take a bunch of stuff off my hands!! I will miss your company and yummy cups of coffee.

Norie and her boyfriend (now fiance) Issei are also pretty important to me. I met Norie and Issei through Jacob my first year moving to Japan. Since then, they have invited me to many holiday events as well as traditional Japanese things. It was great to have lunch with them in my last week in Osaka. I also got surprised by a cute photo booklet they put together! Even though we don't get to see each other often, their consistency in my Japan life is greatly appreciated. Good luck to you both in the future and I wish you the happiest marriage! Will meet again with new stories and updates!

Japanese Uncles: Ash, Taka, & Nori

Originally I met Ash through a Houston connect in my first year moving to Japan. On my first dinner date to meet Ash he brought along his friend Taka. Since then, I have met their families and friends, including Nori. These guys may be a bit older than me with families and completely different life styles but it's been amazing getting to know them and being invited into their lives.

I've been able to experience many adventurous things I would never do on my own with Ash and his friends. Activities such as octopi fishing, snowboarding in Niseko, spear fishing and experiencing real Japanese matsuri culture. Every time Ash invites me to another adventure I feel hesitant to go but am so happy that I have pushed myself to do everything he's opened up for me.

With my decision to move from Osaka it's really sad to think about not having a crazy summer bbq or more spearfishing and octopi fishing when the weather is warmer but with people like this I know I will always have people to visit coming back. So thank you so much Ash, Taka, Nori and all the other Kishiwada/Otori family. Thank you for welcoming me into your homes, vacations, and fun weekend activities. Also thank you so much for coming to have TWO dinners with me and Taka, thank you for the lovely flowers! You guys are great and I will miss you guys!!

Honorable Mentions: Hitomi and Junya

Hitomi was one of my partner teachers at my job at Kinder Kids. We didn't choose to be partners but through this past year at Kinder, she has really saved me and we've grown to be much closer than I had thought. Along with my move, she has also been so kind to give me her time and efforts to help me make my move smoother. I can't speak Japanese well and definitely making a phone call is a struggle. Hitomi has been so sweet to help me make phone calls, arrange trash pick ups, as well as take time from her weekend to help me take furniture to resale shops.

Not only does she help me in school with her hard work and patience for the kids, she has been so kind outside our job as well as in our personal relationship. I had really wished we had hung out long before a month before me moving. She is such a fun spirit and hilarious. I really will miss her as a partner teacher but also a friend to hang out with as well. Hitomi, thank you for your kindness, hard work, and genuine friendship!

Junya and I used to date and while many may think it's strange, it's actually developed into a genuine friendship because of how real we can be with each other because of our past. Junya, thank you for the memories, the kindness you showed me and my family, and also making the time for me in my last few weeks in Osaka. I'll always save the memories of our coffee hunting days and eating massive meals of meat till our bellies felt like they would explode!

Fellow Muskateers: Becka and Jacob

I originally met these two during my training for Interac. The universe just wanted us to be friends I suppose. I still remember my thought when I first saw them sitting in the training room, "oh those guys looks too cool." Luckily for me, those too cool kids wanted to be friends with me! If you don't know, the waves of foreign people who come to Japan to teach aren't all "cool" and it's actually a bit tricky to find other foreign people you actually click with. Thankfully for me, I found these two and they have stuck with me from the beginning.

Since meeting, the three of us have been through much and have done much together. It's crazy to think back and realize that was just three years ago. They have been my best friends in Japan from being my constant company in exploring Osaka, being there for long vent sessions or even light hearted chats about nonsense, to helping me through panic attacks over silly things like insects! These three years in Japan would not be what they were if it wasn't for these two.

Jacob, you are a wonderful friend and amazing artist. Your dedication to your arts really inspires me to get more connected to my artistic side. I also have enjoyed our time together doing nothing but chatting. It's great to not have to say what I'm thinking all the time because you automatically have the same thoughts. I am excited for your future and wish you the best of luck in you last year in Japan. Looking forward to you becoming EVEN MORE Instagram famous and visiting you and Yuki in Canada. Thank you so much for your genuine words of support, your pure friendship, honest opinions, and anytime company. I love you and will miss you!

Becka, where do I begin? You are beyond cool. Like I said earlier, I really thought you and Jacob were way too cool to be friends with me but turns out we are all each other's type of weird. In the past three years you have really been like another sister. I know you aren't used to having such close girlfriends but I have felt so lucky to have and be welcomed by someone like you. Thank you so much for being there to vent to, drink with, chat with, do face masks with, to explore cities with, to take purikuras with, to hunt eye-candy with, to have coffee with, and to just grow with. I appreciate you and your friendship and even though our lives may drive us in different directions now, you will always be important and special to me. Thank you for also asking me to be in your photography. You may think it's me doing you the favor but it's really a fun thing to help you with your craft and I feel flattered you would think I would even look the part to be in your projects and visions. I know sometimes you feel a bit insecure about your work or where life will go but I think you are a talented and special person who is passionate in all the right places. With that, I don't doubt your future will be great with where you are and what you do. I will so miss our hang outs and having you close by. Please come visit in Texas and I will soon come back to see you in Japan. I love you and will miss you!

The Boyfriend: Caoliang

If you guys have been following up on any of my social media as of lately, you will know that I am currently dating this wonderful person, Caoliang. I mention him in my Osaka farewell post because we met in Osaka and he is also part of many Osaka memories. But luckily for me, this part of Osaka gets to come with me!

Caoliang, thank you for your friendship and genuine kindness in the beginning of us meeting. As we grew together and became an item, I have had many happy days and have been lucky to have so many great experiences and memories with you. Thank you for coming to Osaka and helping me move out of the apartment. I am extremely thrilled to be living with you now and am excited for our future. In all the things living in Osaka has brought me, you are definitely at the top of the list. Thank you and I love you.

To all my other friends in Kansai, thank you so much for the time, invitations to fun things, meals, and memories. Even though not all of you may still keep in touch, you will always be remembered.

Also a special thank you to my coworkers at both jobs I've had in the past three years. How lucky am I to have coworkers I actually like!! Thank you for making work bearable and fun!

Well I guess that's in Osaka! I will be back in May for a little under a week just to see everyone one more time before departing for North America. But with this I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for this city and the people that make it unforgettable. I am extremely blessed to be able to have such an experience and memories.

Thank you Lord for all you've given me and continue to give me.

Onto the next adventure!!



  1. Wow, I can't believe it's already been 3 years. I actually had a dream last week with you in it, and then ran into your mom at church the following day. I mentioned my dream to her and how I figured it's probably because I was looking at your instagram before bed and she told me you were coming home in May. I got excited for the news and a little sad I won't be seeing any more Japan pictures. I know, selfish of me right. Whenever I look at your pictures, I get so proud. Here's my childhood friend actually following her dreams and seeing the world. I've always been so impressed at how you're able to push yourself to see the world and make friends wherever you go. I'm confident that regardless of what your current mailing address is, you'll still make the time to travel, just might be shorter trips. Enjoy the rest of your trip in Korea and have fun living with the boyfriend :D See ya in Texas in May!!


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