Goodbye ALT Life
March 17, 2016
Today I officially finished my last few hours for Interac as an ALT. I actually had my last day of school yesterday and this morning was just a half day at the office but, that's it! I wanted to write about this cause I think this is a pretty huge thing in my Japan life. I mean a job change is a pretty big deal in any country right?
So first of all I just want to thank God for giving me this chance to have THIS life with this job, this experience, these schools, and all the blessings He's given me the past two years. Coming to Japan I didn't have any friends and had no prior education on the language or too much about the culture. I took a huge leap into life and hoped to swim and not sink. By the graces of God, I believe the last two years I can successfully say I have swam pretty well, maybe not perfectly all the time but pretty darn close.
With the past few weeks with my last days at my schools it has definitely been a very bittersweet feeling. Some of my schools I was happy to be leaving but some of my schools I was tearing up while having to say goodbye. I know I'm not leaving Japan and I could always go back and visit but let's get real, how practical is that really? So just having that thought in my mind, wow this may be the last time I see these people and these kids, was really heavy. In the past two years, I have been blessed to have wonderful students who love me and want to learn from me. Honestly, I didn't think I mattered too much to these students but in the end I could see I really made a difference. I understand it may be a culture difference, to not often hear praise or receive obvious signs that you are doing the right thing. But when it was the last few days at school and receiving genuine thank yous, cards, and small gifts from students and other teachers, I really felt loved. It was really heart warming to read all the cards my students had put together. I know English is not en easy language for them to learn but just seeing their efforts really made me feel good.
Truly this experience of being able to teach in Japanese public schools is something very unique and something I am so thankful to be able to experience. I would recommend it to everyone. There are so many special things about the Japanese culture and educational system. Of course, there are negatives to any culture or way about things but truly I feel Japan has many things that are special and I consider myself lucky to be able to know first hand.
Along with God, I want to thank my family and friends back home who have supported me thus far. You all don't know how incredibly difficult it is to be away from you all and do deal with the feelings of loneliness or guilt I sometimes get. But I love you all to bits for putting in the effort and time to send messages, FaceTime, send me snaps, emails, even hand written letters. In you all, I find strength so thank you for your continuous love and support.
Aside from God and my love from home, I truly am grateful for the company I got to work for, Interac. Sure they may not be perfect and there are some things that could be worked on, but the staff and everyone I've gotten to meet through this company has also been so kind, helpful and supportive. It is a scary thing moving into a brand new country but with a company that works hard to help you out, it definitely makes it easier.
One of the things I will miss terribly, school lunch!!! |
I will really miss the hundreds of students and smiling faces, the school lunches and talking to all the kids, the quiet time at my desk to write and read and have my own time, the mountains on the commute to work, my small fan club of students who squeal my name as they see me in the hall...all this and more I will really miss about being an ALT. But with that being said, I feel that I am so blessed to have my first two years in Japan go as they have. The experience will be something I remember forever and I thank God so much for allowing me to have this.
Oh and to add something else! On last Friday, the Japanese English teachers from both my junior high schools got together and had a going away dinner for me. It was so sweet that they would take time out to come give me a proper good bye. I received a beautiful bouquet and free dinner! So thank you for all those who came out.
So with the couple years as an ALT coming to a close (for now) I embark on a new journey! It's still in the education department but it's pretty different in comparison. If I haven't gotten the chance to speak to you recently then maybe you don't know, but this next school year I will be a Nursery school teacher in an International Kindergarten School here in Osaka. It differs to my position as an ALT because I will only be at 1 school and only have 1 class. Also the age gap is huge. Before, my students ranged from 7 years old to 15 years old. Now my class will consists of 1-2 year olds who are still in their diapers! Oh man is this going to prepare me for motherhood or what (if that's even coming)!! I had an observation day a few weeks ago at my new school and honestly, my level of nervous definitely went up after that. The differences were so huge it really kind of scared me. BUT with that stress, I am also cautiously aware that this is a choice I made and am blessed to be able to get. I may be suffering and cursing this choice the first few months but I have faith that I'll get past the hard part and get into the fun-I-love-this part soon enough.
As always, thank you for reading and giving me a small part of your day. I always appreciate the love. So with all this, hope you guys stay tuned for my next year in Japan as a Nursery school teacher! I'm sure there will be new experiences and stories that come out of this year just as the last two years have brought me!!
Wish me luck!!
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